David Tirrell Is New Caltech Provost
Photo: Bob Paz
On October 1, chemistry professor and Beckman Institute director David Tirrell became Caltech’s 10th provost.
Caltech career: A Caltech faculty member since 1998, Tirrell, the Ross McCollum-William H. Corcoran Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, chaired the division from 1999 to 2009 and is currently the director of Caltech’s Beckman Institute.
Research and accolades: Tirrell focuses on the genetic code and how modifying the molecular machinery of the cell might lead to new approaches in macromolecular design, protein evolution, biological imaging, and proteome-wide analysis of cellular processes. He is one of only 19 individuals elected to all three National Academies: Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.
“David Tirrell marshals insights across the intellectual spectrum in his view of Caltech and in his own research.”
The role: The Institute’s chief academic officer, the provost is responsible for advancing the academic agenda of the Institute. The provost works closely with the division chairs on programmatic initiatives, serves as coordinator for curriculum development, and aids in development initiatives.
Tirrell’s predecessor: Tirrell takes over the role from Edward Stolper, the William E. Leonhard Professor of Geology and the Carl and Shirley Larson Provostial Chair, who held the position for a decade. Stolper plans to return to the faculty full time to pursue his studies of the origin and evolution of igneous rocks on Earth and other planets.